HTML | Frameset Tag | Attributes

In our previous blog Frameset Tag, we already learnt about Frameset tag and its 2 attributes - cols and rows. Here we will learn about few more attributes:

  • bordercolor :

            With this attribute, you can specify color of border between frames.



    <frameset cols="20%,30%,*" bordercolor=Red>

<frame src="frame1.html">

<frame src="frame2.html">

<frame src="frame3.html">




  • frameborder :

            With this attribute, you can specify whether border between frames should displayed or not.

            It can take 2 values, 
  • 0 - No border
  • 1 - Border            



    <frameset cols="20%,30%,*" bordercolor=Red frameborder=0>

<frame src="frame1.html">

<frame src="frame2.html">

<frame src="frame3.html">




  • noresize:

            With this attribute, you can stop resize of frame           



    <frameset cols="20%,30%,*" bordercolor=Red>

<frame src="frame1.html" noresize=noresize>

<frame src="frame2.html">

<frame src="frame3.html">



  • scrolling:

            With this attribute, you can specify whether scrollbar should be displayed or not.
            It can take 3 value:
    • Auto
    • Yes
    • No                       



    <frameset cols="20%,30%,*" bordercolor=Red>

<frame src="frame1.html" noresize=noresize>

<frame src="frame2.html" scrolling=yes>

<frame src="frame3.html">




For Live demo:

HTML Frames


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