Learn Marquee tag with it's attributes in html

Marquee is one of the important tags introduced in HTML to support scrolling texts and images within a web page. In this tutorial, you will be learning about the Marquee tag and its different attributes for developing a web page.

HTML <marquee> tag

Html <marquee> tag is used to scroll text or image horizontally across or vertically down your web page.


The marquee element comes in pairs. It means means that the tag has opening and closing elements.

<marquee> CS Tutorials Blogs </marquee>


CS Tutorials Blogs

It has various attributes like direction, behavior, width, height, bgcolor. Let's see all of these one by one with example.

direction attribute:

By default direction of scrolling is left means content will scroll toward left. You can set it's value to left, right, up or down.

<marquee direction="right"> CS Tutorials Blogs - scrolling right </marquee>


CS Tutorials Blogs - scrolling right

<marquee direction="up"> CS Tutorials Blogs -scrolling up </marquee>


CS Tutorials Blogs - scrolling up

<marquee direction="down">
CS Tutorials Blogs -scrolling down </marquee>


CS Tutorials Blogs - scrolling down

bgcolor attribute:

this attribute is used to set the background color of marquee.

<marquee bgcolor="#b4a7d6">
CS Tutorials Blogs - with bgcolor set to light purple </marquee>


CS Tutorials Blogs - with bgcolor set to light purple

behavior attribute:

you can use this set marquee text movement behavior like scroll, slide and alternate. default value is scroll.

<marquee behavior="Alternate">
CS Tutorials Blogs - behavior set to alternate </marquee>


CS Tutorials Blogs - behavior set to alternate

scrollamount attribute:

Use this attribute to control the speed of movement. It takes value in milliseconds. 1000 milliseconds are equal to 1 second.

<marquee scrollamount="1">Slow Scrolling</marquee> <marquee scrollamount="12">Little Fast Scrolling</marquee> <marquee scrollamount="20">Fast Scrolling</marquee> <marquee scrollamount="50">Very Fast Scrolling</marquee>


Slow Scrolling
Little Fast Scrolling
Fast Scrolling
Very Fast Scrolling

For live demo, go though below Youtube video:


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