
Showing posts from July, 2021

HTML table Tag

HTML table allows us to represent the data in row and column form.  Define an HTML Table <table> tag is used to create table along with <tr> , <td> and <th> for table rows, columns and header respectively. <table> tag attributes: caption : This is used to give a name to the table. e.g. <caption>My Table</caption> border : This attribute is used to give the border to the table. It has values in pixels. bordercolor : This is used to give the color to the border. e.g. bordercolor="color_name" align : This is used to set the alignment of the table i.e. left, right and center. Example: <table border="2" bordercolor="red" align="center"> <caption>Students</caption>>      <tr>           <th>S.No.</th>           <th>Name</th>      </tr>      <tr>       ...

HTML video Tag

How to add video to your HTML web page HTML provides <video> tag to embed video in your web page. It's a paired tag so you need to add both opening and closing video tags. Within video tag, <source> tag is used to provide source of video using src attribute. type attribute specifies type of video file. Example: <video> <source src="nature.mp4" type="video/mp4"> </video> This tag is compatible with MP4, WebM, and Ogg file types. To avoid video codecs and browser compatibility issues, it's best that you add multiple sources to the video. If the browser cannot show the video, it will display the text you write between them. <video> Tag Attribute: controls specifies whether the video should have player control buttons (play, pause, volume, etc.). <video controls > <source src="nature.mp4" type="video/mp4"> </video> poster  specifies whether a certain image will be shown while the video is...